Monday, January 17, 2011


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Be Afraid

Theres a real risk for negative events in their life.

*People are becomming highly addicted to one of the worlds most devistating causes in death and disease. It is estimated that approximately 1/3 of all cancer deaths worldwide are attributable to tobacco products.

It is very likely that this negative event will happen if they don't adopt the behavior.

*Reduce smoking or your health will be affected by tobacco products that are toxic and addictive.

It is likely the negative event wont happen if they adopt the bahavior.

*Quit smoking, break the addiction, save your money, health and life.

There are specific steps you can follow to do the behavior.

*There are crucial steps to take in order to achieve your goal and break your dependance from tobacco addiction. These include:

-nicotine patch
-nicotine gum
-nicotine nasal spray
-non nicotine medication which reduces both withdrawl symptoms and the urge to smoke


Make the change and quit smoking.

Two-Sided Message

Your side: you shouldn't use smoking as a way to deal with stress.

Other side: People turn to smoking as a stress reliever.

Your side proving they're wrong: There are other alternatives to relieve stress, smoking is not the answer.

Obama as a credible communicator

Barack Obama as a credible communicator in trying to get people to change their smoking behaviors because he is trustworthy, as well as an expert, not necessarily in the area of smoking, but as our nations president he is invested in the will being of individuals and has credible characteristics and the message he portrays has a great effect on how much it will persuade a person.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Based on classical conditioning, getting individuals to reduce or quit their smoking habits is paired with an attractive person who is a non-smoker and posses qualities that are persuasive portraying the idea that if you do not smoke, you will be attractive and not suffer from the negative effects that smoking has on your physical features and health concerns.

Intensity, Strong Effects

These types of images portray the behavioral principle of intensity based on the more perceptually intense message that is being portrayed through either good or bad images in a strong manner with a direct message, aiming to strengthen the effects on smokers and increase the positive behavior of quitting.

Less Cancer, More Birthdays

Based on classical conditioning, pairing the behavior of quitting smoking and celebrating birthdays generating the idea that if you one doesn't smoke, they will live longer and experience their birthdays more so than those who smoke and are at risk for health issues and a shorter life span.

Credible Communicator-Quit Smoking

Katherine Heigl talks electronic cigarettes and quitting smoking

Katherine Heigl was on David Letterman talking about her one bad habit, smoking.
So far nothing has worked for her to stop the cigarettes except one small alternative. Shown on the show last night, the electronic cigarette was a first for the Letterman show. She had a puff and passed it on to David Letterman who also had a puff.

The electronic cigarette is definitely an alternative for the smokers in America. Instead of smoke, you release water vapors when you exhale but still get the added effect of putting the cig to your mouth and the nicotine sensation. If this helps her quit the habit over time, more power to Heigl.

She definitely looked like she was trying to do the right thing for her family while dealing with a nasty habit we are all too familiar with.

I Put it Out Because...

The "I put it out because.." slogan and the different reasons as to why one "put it out" implying the act of quitting, is the behavioral principle of repitition, based on the idea that the more frequently one would be exposed to such an ad pairing quitting cigarette smoking with messages that result positively and effect individuals directly, relating to feelings of loving yourself as well as others loving you, saving your life, and implying to those that they can do it too.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Social Engineering-Attempts to Reduce Smoking

Social engineering is the application of the findings of social science to the solution of actual social problems.

Public smoking bans are allegedly based on the assumption that smoke; either exhaled or streaming from the end of a lit cigarette, otherwise known as secondhand smoke or Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS), is a health threat to nearby nonsmokers.

Tobacco Duty is an excise duty charged on purchases of tobacco products including cigarettes, cigars, hand-rolling tobacco, pipe tobacco and chewing tobacco.

Media campagins have helped instill antismoking attitudes among the general public, changing the social norms from largely positive to strongly negative have motivated many people to quit.

Interventions to reduce smoking, social support and stress management.

Social influence intervention, social environment as the most important determinant of smoking.$1240025...

Technological Fixes

The solution to a problem based on the use technology, generally not a really satisfactory solution

Technological fixes to reduce smoking help people quit smoking. Some of these technological fixes are:

Nicotine Replacement Therapy:

Nicotine patch- Three step process so that users can gradually stop smoking. Provides a steady, controlled dose of nicotine throughout the day, thereby reducing the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Nicotine gum and lozenges- Works as a substitute of the cigarette, sends 2 or 4 mg of nicotine which equals the nicotine of 1 or two cigarettes.

Nicotine pills- They do not contain any nicotine at all.

Nicotine nasal spray-is in a class of medications called smoking cessation aids.
It works by providing nicotine to your body to decrease the withdrawal symptoms experienced when smoking is stopped and to reduce the urge to smoke.

Nicotine inhaler-Absorption of nicotine is slower than from a regular cigarette, works on much the same principle as the gum, but they are different in design.

Bupropion- Nonnicotine medication which reduce both withdrawal symptoms and the urge to smoke.

ZeroSmoke- Uses two biomagnets to create a precise pressure point on the outer ear. Auricular therapy, as this is called, stimulates acupuncture points in the outer ear.

Smokeeze Cigarette Filters - In case you are not ready to stop smoking, use these filters to remove tar and nicotine from your cigarettes. Use E-Z QUIT by itself or together with any other quit smoking method.

E-Z QUIT Artificial Cigarette System- is a smokeless cigarette substitute that fills your need to do something with your hands and mouth, and to inhale deeply. When you inhale through an E-Z QUIT, the cartridge releases a flavor that refreshes your mouth and occupies your taste buds. Through psychological mechanisms it "fools you" into thinking you are smoking the real thing, and as a result it helps you to quit smoking.

History of Smoking as a Social Problem

Tobacco played a far more ceremonial and structured role,seen by Native Americans as a means for providing communication with the supernatural world for either
medicinal or spiritual purposes.

Smoking is the act of inhaling and exhaling the fumes of burning plant material. A variety of plant materials are smoked, including marijuana and hashish, but the act is most commonly associated with tobacco as smoked in a cigarette,cigar, or pipe.

Tobacco contains nicotine, an alkaloid that is addictive and can have both stimulating and tranquilizing psychoactive effects.

Smoking soon spread to other areas and today is widely practiced around the world despite medical, social, and religious arguments against it.

In the 20th century, the most common tobacco products were cigars, pipe tobacco, and chewing tobacco, although cigarette smoking was beginning to increase dramatically.

By the 21st century, tobacco had become recognized as being highly addictive and one of the world’s most devastating causes of death and disease.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that in the late 1990s there were approximately 4 million tobacco-caused deaths per year worldwide. It is estimated that approximately one-third of all cancer deaths worldwide are attributable to tobacco.

During the 20th century, cigarette smoking grew to account for approximately 80 percent of the world’s tobacco market.

All tobacco products are toxic and addictive- A major health effect common to all forms of tobacco use is addiction, or, more technically, dependence.

The primary constituents of tobacco smoke are nicotine, tar (the particulate residue from combustion), and gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

The body creates more and more nicotine receptors and as a result, the smoker experiences a phenomenon called tolerance.