Monday, January 17, 2011

Be Afraid

Theres a real risk for negative events in their life.

*People are becomming highly addicted to one of the worlds most devistating causes in death and disease. It is estimated that approximately 1/3 of all cancer deaths worldwide are attributable to tobacco products.

It is very likely that this negative event will happen if they don't adopt the behavior.

*Reduce smoking or your health will be affected by tobacco products that are toxic and addictive.

It is likely the negative event wont happen if they adopt the bahavior.

*Quit smoking, break the addiction, save your money, health and life.

There are specific steps you can follow to do the behavior.

*There are crucial steps to take in order to achieve your goal and break your dependance from tobacco addiction. These include:

-nicotine patch
-nicotine gum
-nicotine nasal spray
-non nicotine medication which reduces both withdrawl symptoms and the urge to smoke

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